Monday, January 28, 2008
I just want to scream.
Oh man, this is not the life i want.
I cry in my heart, all the time.
Why are things going this way?
Why didn't i do or think that way?
Why am i so simple minded?
Why don't i know what to do?
Why don't i know how to deal with things?
Wth is wrong with me?
SHIT SHIT SHIT, I hate this, i hate myself.
Why must everything go this way?
I do stupid things, and committing mistakes depresses me.
Like, really really depress me.
Situations passes by, but feelings stay.
{ 11:23 PM
Friday, January 18, 2008
I am tired, i really am
Haven't been myself lately, even got called cry baby by Jerry. ):
Can't take a lot of things nowadays, i am upset about everything.
I sincerely believe in this saying, "Who truly know what is on some one's heart."
Or rather, who truly knows what is in some one's heart.
I doubt it when people say they understand me, who truly understand me?
I have decided not to quit my job early, because of all i have learned in the shop.
You would never get to experience this when you are out in the work place in the future.
Nobody would be so open with you about the politics going on the workplace.
I chatted with Sharen till really late at night, about all that is going on in the shops.
So much to learn, so much to be cautious about.
And i liked the way it is. You actually learn something, like how it is you should keep your mouth shut so that you would not get involved unnecessarily and so on.
I realised i just step into the true world of reality.
{ 12:08 AM
Friday, January 04, 2008

$598 ,160GB
$428, 80GB

2GB | $149.00 |
4GB | $249.00 |
8GB | $349.00 |
16GB | $449.00 |
32GB | $549.00 |
Should i get the creative ZEN or ipod Classic?
Baby say ipod classic more worth it, but quality wise?
{ 8:24 PM
no diff.
Nothing seems to matter any more.
So what if a top costs $100, its just number.
You pay for it, the number in your account drops.
So what if you have problems and you are suppose to feel burden?
It will go away eventually isn't it.
So what if i stand for 12 hours today and 10 hours the next day?
Your feet hurts, so?
Just rest and it will be over.
Numb to this world, the imperfect world.
Where is my heaven?
I distrust this world, i detest the way it works, the reality to face.
Why must you be the one who sacrifice?
Why can't she or she do it, why always me.
On 31st of dec, Matt Tan asked, "What do you dream to be?"
I couldn't give an answer.
But now i do, i want to be a woman who is independent and ruthless.
You want respect from people? Earn it.
{ 12:02 AM
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Thought of thousand and one million things,
I REALLY really really wish to go back to the past.
So many things you could have done differently,
So many bad things that happened that you just shut your eyes at the thought of it.
It seems pointless you show your feelings to other people sometimes.
I love shutting my self from the world.
I adore simplicity.
Obviously not the ludicrous, moronic way of simplicity.
"You never truly know what's on someone heart, so treat them with kindness, respect and compassion."
Joel Zambrano
"To let principles trump over the demands and desires of another is a victory for our inner peace. If we are true to ourselves, we will learn we can count on ourselves, no matter what."
Edgar C
I want to get Creative Vision Zen ):
{ 12:16 AM
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
no life.
Ha, i went back to work at 12pm today.
Can't believe myself, slept at 4 am.
Like what Sebastian said, " You really have no life."
Gave up a lot for my work.
I will, but my aim to is to quit only after the 3 months holiday.
It's difficult to get such a high pay job.
I BADLY want to quit, its too tiring, too time consuming.
And i know it would after my projects for next semester.
Oh, God bless.
{ 10:13 PM
new year.
At the strike of 2008.
Probably one of my saddest start.
Sometimes i don't know how we get past with this relationship.
No solid ground, just largely on love between.
Is the only solution to get past all the problems, to give and take?
So tell me when it's not alright
When it's not ok
Will you try to make me feel better?
Will you say alright
Will you say ok?
Will you stick with me through whatever?
Or run away
{ 10:05 PM
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