Wednesday, November 28, 2007
An extract -
"Yes, it was cute how he was as exuberant as a puppy when you first met, but, goodness, isn't he turning out to be loud and boorish now? And while her whining was endearing in the beginning, after years of it you just wish she'd shut up a bit.
Little annoyances can accumulate to make you explode. Lucky are the couples who can accept the irritating traits of their partners (no one is perfect after all, and neither are you) and continue loving them.
But for some, love has a use-by date, even if it was 'true love'.
Just as friendship between platonic friends can outlive itself, so, too, can long-term romantic love.
I used to think that no matter how much a person disappoints you, it can be overcome if you just focus on the love and relationship.
But I've found that love can and does die, although die may be too melodramatic a word. It's more a case of love fading, like the ink from the pages of an old diary, or the image in an aged photo.
It disappears for a variety of reasons.
The cause can be sensational such as when a partner does something that hurts and deceives you.
More often though, the reasons are prosaic, like over-familiarity, boredom and benign neglect. And with the first-stage lust long gone, the love is quickly spent and you just aren't into each other anymore.
It's very sad, and the greater tragedy if it is only one half of the couple who has lost the feeling.
Still, to have loved and lost - lost in the sense of losing that love you once held so dear in your heart, and lost as in losing your loved one to someone or something else - must surely be better than to have never loved at all."
Says Dr Fisher: 'You can feel deep attachment for a long-term spouse, while you feel romantic love for someone else, while you feel the sex drive in situations unrelated to either partner.'
{ 1:12 AM
Monday, November 26, 2007
Oh oh, just watch Enchanted today.
It's lovely show, but obviously unrealistic.
If you have high expectations in movies, then don't watch.
Feels like the end of the world, he went in today again!
Wa lao, 2 more years can. TWO.
I am getting very lost in my doings and thinking.
And getting very random.
Oh God, let me find the purpose for my life.
Oh, and people. If you ever want to scream your lungs out, just bury yourself in the pillow.
It works. No worries, nobody will hear you. Provided if you close your door.
{ 12:14 AM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
AHHHH, my nose is dropping off!
Argh, and i keep coughing. ARGH.
Oh man, everybody seems to be having problems.
It sucks when you just can't cheer yourself up right?
And i can't cheer people up too.
Like what the bible states, "Remove the speck in your eyes before you remove others."
Quarreled with my Dad over the phone just now at Simpang.
Seriously regretted it, felt like i made a big scene.
Wasn't very friendly to my Dad, never was to my parents.
I rebel at every single thing they say, since young.
Some how, the moment i see them calling me or just asking me any friendly questions, i feel freaking irritated.
But every time after i quarreled with them, i will feel damn guilty.
Why, cause like Jerry said, "They are your parents after all. You need to respect them even if they are unreasonable. Need to have discipline."
But how?
Dad : "You spend more time with your boyfriend then with your parents."
YC : "Of course not la, like hello, i am home from Monday to Friday. Who's fault is it?"
Be more reasonable, please.
Plus, he doesn't even care about me or my doings last time.
My Mum does all the job.
And yet he expects me to follow what ever he says once he speaks.
Why, he's words are made of gold is it?
Dad : "I don't want you to stay at his house OK? There is no room for discussion."
Can't help but saying, he is so arrogant!
But i ought to slap myself for saying some thing like that.
{ 1:40 AM
Saturday, November 24, 2007
moving on..
I am so tired!!
Need to catch up with my sleep sometimes.
I can't believe i fell asleep, sitting up, when i was writing my RJ half way through for Enterprise, which is taken over by the strictest facilitator ever.
Thank God my sister woke me up.
I hope i didn't write nonsense.
Tomorrow - 930am : Salsa performance
1200 to 1600 : Work
1700 : Church
I hope all these helps me lose my tummy.
Work is a chore, but money is good.
Probably be quitting the end of next month.
Any way, just felt like blogging.
This post is redundant.
I don't know myself, i don't know what i want, i don't know what i am suppose to do, i don't know what i am suppose to change, i don't know what am i suppose to think.
I am just a plainly lost child, with a blank mind.
So much to talk about, but never know where to start.
So much to learn in this life.
So much to control - emotions, thoughts, right way of doing things.
So much to care - surroundings, things that is involved in the certain problem you faced.
Nobody reacts the same for all situations or matters or events that happens in their life.
{ 12:09 AM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
so much.
So much in me, so much to say.
But can't.
Sorry team mates, for not doing much.
Lots of things in mind.
Pardon the quietness at times, pardon the introversion, pardon the temper, pardon the plastic me.
Don't say anything to me.
Pardon the crudeness here.
{ 12:26 AM
Thursday, November 15, 2007

I am exhausted.
Where is my pillar of comfort apart from God?
Why must he be taken away?
Where are the familiar shoulders i lean on so often when i am tired?
My emotions are out of control, cause i miss him.
Another three days of separation.
He would be in outfield camp.
Must stand strong, girl.
Lord, i pray.
" Skeptics may argue that prayers are only coincidences... But as an English Archbishop once observed, 'It's amazing how many coincidences occur when one begins to pray.'"
Ian C. Campomanes
{ 1:05 AM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Though i was sabotaged a number of times, and you guys enjoyed my 'sian diao' face
STILL! Thanks for all the efforts and presents (:
Sabotage NO. 1 - 18 black pens, the lousy ones.
Sabotage NO. 2 - Mocha cheese cake, the one from Giant. I seriously thought it was pandan cake!
Basically we went Vivo. Shopped and ate.
Sorry for making you guys wait for me ok?
They gave me the pens at first, when we were dining at Thai Express
Thanks ahhh....
Any way, Seng weng and Kristen went out for a smoke one too many times
After Vivo, we went Clarke Quay for a drink and chilled.
Opening a bottle was too expensive, and we couldn't go MOS because Seng Weng was wearing slippers.
Clio had to leave early, so we ended up chilling at TCC
They presented what i refer to as Sabo NO. 2!
YUCKS la, haha, its been in Kristen's bag ever since we were at Vivo!
5 minutes later, this waiter from TCC came with something in his hands
I was like, "Eh, did we order something more?"
They bought me a cake!!
And so, i went through 2 birthday singing song sessions
Then they presented me $100 worth of Ed Hardy Vouchers!
Went over to Boat quay after Clio left and opened a bottle as it was affordable
Played this number game.
Thanks Ronald and Sebas for taking the shots for me. (:
Funniest thing was Seng Weng keep using the cranberry juice as the forfeit!
After that we went over Kristen's to stayover
Went home at about 7 plus in the morning.
The most sian thing was that i had work at 10am.
I thank God for good and generous classmates. (:
I so want to thank them lots, but i just can't put it into words.
So i just message you guys individually.
Thanks for this unforgettable birthday ok?
I love you, baby.
One thing human has and animals don't have, is the ability to hide their feelings
Didn't tell you or show you this.
But, it was so hard to say goodbye to you just now
Its going to be another week right?
I feel as locked up as you are.
I took comfort in telling myself that a relationship that went through the period of NS is stronger then one that hasn't.
But its not much convincing to me.
Sebas said, "Why do you have so much compassion?"
Its not compassion, it isa reminder to keep myself from being self-centered.
I've realised over the past few months of my life, i've forgotten whats giving in.
I have become all so calcultaive, perfectionist.
I have created faces in me. A vast combination of characters.
{ 12:30 AM
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Birthday, 18th

Thai Express membership card!!

Flowers going naked!

Germs & Adele : THANKS for the balloon!! I am a princess!! (:

Complimentary red wine from Thai Express!

Howie and Sarah : THANKS for the flowers!

Red Rubies! YUMMY!

EEWW, their complimentary salad - consist of majority pineapple & ONIONS.

Germs & Adele : THANKS for the cake!!


LOVES!!! (:
{ 10:02 PM
I miss him, and my heart aches every time i messaged him.
I know he will see the messages only after he comes back from field camp.
My life is incomplete.
So what if i am able to suppress my feelings while he is away, but yet break down in the midst of that emptiness and loneliness that only he can fill.
Million THANKS to W15H, you made me laugh to myself the whole time when we were having conference.
Some even sang me birthday song!
You guys make me a happy person! I am so touched!!!
{ 1:49 AM
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