Thursday, August 30, 2007
Had this sudden thought about love and relationship.
"As long as you have love, you guys can live happily ever after already."
Love is the foundation, but what keeps you guys together is what you built on it.
I am so happy, why?
Cause i found a job!!! finally.
Naf Naf, Retail : Clothes, Bags and Shoes. At Raffles Shopping Centre.
Hope they have nice clothes. Shopped there once, but i can't remember whats there already.
6.50 per hour with commission, and i didn't even need to negotiate.
Asked Vanessa how much do retail shops usually pay, "About $5.50 to $6.00."
The interview was like less then 10mins.
I was quite nervous, like cause she's a foreigner.
I was so scared i would unintentionally follow her accent and sound stupid.
She asked me, "Tell me more about your motivation in the fashion world."
I was like, woah, first question only can.
No doubt, i told baby my answer. Then he was like, "You talk cock one right."
But thank God, He is so nice.
The rest was just about my personal particulars and availability.
And, they could go with my schedule.
HA! yay, can get my Ed hardy dresses already, my shoes, Junk Food tee, my shorts, good make-ups, bags, BeBe dresses.....
My God is an awesome God, God of my forever.
I love You more then i did yesterday.
My heart shattered, my life screwed.
I disappointed You so many times.
But You still let me love You.
{ 10:31 AM
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Pastor preached about don't worry about any thing in your life, for everything happens passes through God first.
Yes, i believe in it with all my mind, heart and soul.
I believe in my God, for He is greater in me then of this world.
Worry about nothing, all right?
I found something that i feel is really fulfilling in my life, friends.
While on the journey home from Simpang, thoughts went through my mind.
Something touched my heart that made me love Jesus, friends and everything else even more.
I realized that i never learned to cherish my life before, to live my life to the fullest.
I took everything negatively.
I am determine to live it to the fullest, to look and think through every step i take.
" Failure does not become me, so I will become the greatest at what I do by my actions and habits."
Erik Gardner
Sim 2 is super addictive. argh, been playing it till 3am plus plus everyday. Hur.
I have flat butt + big tummy = NO NO!
how to make butt bigger, tips please.
{ 12:09 AM
Monday, August 20, 2007
my mind.
sometimes I wish I am brainless, retarded, whatever it is.
I wish I could just throw all my thoughts and mixed feelings away.
" My target is excellence. But in order to excel in achieving this target, I must excel in characterizing myself with excellent moral values and principles." Ravi Kumar Keenoo
{ 9:51 PM
Saturday, August 18, 2007
salsa shoes.

my beloved salsa shoes.
am going to start wearing 3-inch heels and start practicing my balancing.
{ 1:51 AM
i realized today, i am a very negative person. very.
it's bad right..
i can't give people much encouragement. it's just not me.
change yc, change!
quit being so judgmental.
i was on the bus today, then i saw this man clipping his nails with a nail clipper at the bus stop.
this memory came to my mind. i was outside this really crowded train, and i saw this man digging his nose while his girlfriend is talking to him.
thank God i was not going up that train because it's too crowded, and it went off shortly.
so naturally i gave him a disgusted look, and i looked at the girl, she seems oblivious of it.
i was super disgusted, seriously. and its not the first time i see this things happening.
it's just amazing how people can irritate you by their simple actions.
i saw Shirley on the train today, while on the way to cell group.
we were just talking about church and stuff.
sigh, every thing have changed right. for the worse or the better?
the answer is obvious.
God, i pray again. let me go back to the past..
" No one can go back and change a bad beginning but one can start anything, anytime and create a successful ending." Preethi Bhat
but how?
{ 12:30 AM
Thursday, August 16, 2007
my post.
in class now, just had Maths & Computing test.
Sweet Jesus, it really difficult.
any way, HAHA, LAST week of school is starting tomorrow.
Am glad i am able to pon the whole week!
I apologize to those who i have showed my temper to,
it is one of my weakness in controlling my temper.
and pardon me, i can get irritated over things that doesn't seem significant to you.
Sorry ok? :)
" The hardest thing you will ever have to do is be yourself." Rachelle Disbennett-Lee
{ 9:49 AM
Sunday, August 12, 2007
my phone.

Here's the thing, when i went to the shop,
Samsung F300 is sold out island wide, and ordering it would take up sometime.
the problem with me is i want to get things done straight away.
so i didn't want to order it cause you need to wait and also because i held on to the hope of getting the phone on that day itself for weeks already.
the guy told me this phone has the same functions, but a better camera and its cheaper.
Being the usual and daft me, i didn't check whether what he said was the truth, but any way, i just got the phone.
got it cheaper by renewing my plan earlier, but of course you need to pay extra $100 to the discounted price.
i was damn happy when i heard that, cause the phone is so much cheaper after the discount.
and also because i think my mum didn't want to get the phone before we knew we could get it at a cheaper price, but she still agreed cause i think i gave out a melancholy feel to the atmosphere after i heard it was sold out.
Any way, the saddening part was its not a phone that was in my choices at all.
i was just talking to my senior, and he said "It is good enough already to get a new phone. I still need to work for my phone."
yes, yichun, please learn how to be content.
{ 9:36 PM
Friday, August 10, 2007
this is bad, my shopping list is getting longer and longer.
i so badly need a job, because i badly want those stuff.
going to look for job on Wednesday.
at last, i am doing something about it.
i hope we can get a job at River Island!
their stuff are like, wth.
ok, going to tidy up my cupboard today.
skipped Math & Computing!
that module is really like kns.
shall make my day useful.
going to get my Samsung F300 later!
{ 10:45 AM
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
my life.
i've been thinking about my life, like what the hell have i been doing.
sometimes, even if you are busy, it's just annoying to find out that whatever that have kept you busy, is not something fulfilling.
whatever it is, i feel really empty some way or another.
like, i am not doing any thing except - school,social dance, piano, cell group, church.
for months, it's been my routine.
i need a break through, a better cell group, a busier and yet fulfilling life.
"When there is judgment, there is no room for love."
-Mother Teresa
{ 11:58 PM
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
my beloved phone again.
My choices of mobile phone : Nokia N76, Samsung F300 and Sony Ericsson S500i .
My choice : Samsung F300!
i was on my way back from piano lesson, so i dropped by Singtel and M1 at West mall.
i feel so fickle minded.
Nokia N76 : it looks so, big. like seriously big and not as sleek as Samsung F300 though. and i heard N series phones are really lagging. no thanks, shall not waste my patience on this kind of thing.
Sony Ericsson S500i : i was asking my classmates today about the phones and they mention this phone that baby mentioned the day before. i don't like the buttons, and it doesn't have a radio. and it doesn't look as nice on the display compared to Samsung F300.
they only left one set of Samsung F300 in stock, i pray a miracle will happen this saturday.
My thought of the day : The higher your expectations, the more disappointed you will get. i know every body heard this before, but would you really lower down your standard?
in my opinion, sometimes expectations doesn't come in a process. it doesn't go like "do i like it to be this way?" then you start thinking how to make it perfect. but it just comes like this "wth, what is this man." and people assumed is you just have high expectation, perfectionist.
{ 9:11 PM
my beloved phone.

hur, i just changed my mind. instead of Samsung F300, i'm going to get this!
came across it on this advertisement on hotmail like ages ago.
i think when it first came out not long ago.
i was like wah, ok, not bad.
i hope my mum will get it for me this sat, and i pray it's not going to be too expensive.
tell me your comments ok?

{ 12:19 AM
Saturday, August 04, 2007
ok, i've blogging multiple posts.
but i can't help it, i am SO BORED!
baby is out prata-ing with his friends, i have no one to talk to so i am doing my usual thing - reading blogs.
Here's one from Jerry's,
top 2 things found in your wallet:
1. notes
2. coins
top 2 songs you can listen to again and
1. songs baby wrote for me
2. phantom of opera
top 2 reasons to watch television:
1. hong kong dramas
2. hong kong dramas..
top 2 places I'd want to visit:
1. Switzerland!!!
2. Rome
top 2 obsessions:
1. Baby boy.
2. dance, music..
top 2 favorite nick name:
(err, i shall re phrase it - favorite of my friends)
1. Chun li
2. Ang ku kueh, red ridding hood - my red jacket.
top 2 favorite food:
1. Crabs (Steamed, black pepper, chili)
2. Waffle Hotdogs..
top 2 favorite snacks:
1. Seaweeds
2. Calbee - Spicy flavour
top 2 favorite website:
1. , friends' blog
top 2 goals you want to accomplish:
1. Lose Weight
2. Excel in every way
top 2 favorite colors:
1. White
2. Red
top 2 favorite part of the house:
1. My room
2. The toilet
top 2 things i can't wait to happen
1. Money to drop from the sky
2. More money to drop from the sky
top 2 places where I love to shop
1. Town! Ed Hardy, sigh..
2. Town..
top 2 movies I could watch over and
1. Take the lead, Step up
2. Honey
top 2 drama on your list at the moment
1. Hong Kong dramas
2. CSI Las Vegas
top 2 bands on your list
1. Fall Out Boy
2. Life house
top 2 people who light up your day
1. Baby
2. W16R
top 2 things tat u would like to change
1. My pea brain
2. The world to be not broken down.
{ 12:23 AM
Friday, August 03, 2007
i am really bored, having presentation now. sigh.
the guys are crazy over this game, Vice City.
i thought of the events ahead for this few days, and concluded that i have a boring life.
my team is talking about beauty now, not that it has anything to do with today's problem.
but oh well, would you agree with this sentence?
: "If you are pretty, means you are pretty. If you are not, just accept it. no matter what you dress, it wouldn't make a difference."
to me, this sentence would be real sad if it is a belief of a lady who is not what we deem pretty. so where does "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder" stands?
{ 3:24 PM
not aiming at you baby,
would you say...
Stay on the phone with her even if shes not saying anything
• Tease her and let her tease you back.
• Stay up all night with her when she's sick.
• Watch her favorite movie with her.
• Give her the world.
• Let her wear your clothes.
• When she's bored and sad, hang out with her.
• Let her know she's important.
• Kiss her in the pouring rain.
• When she runs up at you crying.. the first thing you say is.."Who's ass am i beating today baby?"
{ 3:17 PM
Wednesday, August 01, 2007

{ 7:17 PM
jerry's 20th birthday!
am sort of disappointed for not getting a tom & jerry cake after jerry and i passed by polar shop at tangs, so i got a small one!

His beloved friends! (:

the photos are really blur, and i don't know why, thank God the original one are not as blur.
{ 5:54 PM
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