Tuesday, July 31, 2007
birthday boy.
Enterprise now!
on "Impress me", so we have to wear formal like as if we are going for interview.
shall upload the pictures someday.
going to leave school later to collect the cake and stuff.
i think i am just plain shit organizer.
sorry jerry, you have a incompetent girlfriend.
{ 10:05 AM
Friday, July 27, 2007
having cognitive now, today's problem : Our Reflection Journal.
good, it's super relaxing today.
again i say, i love my class.
seeing what they tag, what and how they talk across in class makes me smile to myself.
they are seriously full of nonsense, and it just brings you a lot of joy.
i am really tired, i really want to pon sometimes. but its them that makes me want to come to school. (:
how some of them care over those small little details, how willing they are to help when you ask or meet any difficulties.
how Song wen comes out of his sheep skin, how Xiuqi become the class's niang, how irritating Johnson, Ferdinand and Farhan is. all the nonsense that Vikram does. how Cheng Long make every joke out of calling Sybil chicken backside. playing a fool with Lam, Claris's long nails clicking on the keyboard. how Johnson came to my rescue during the presentation, how Ferdinand just entertain me with all this problems. Nicholas's retarded-ness. Syaz being bullied, Yvonne's loud laughter, Sabira's Bollywood. Joanne's happy character.
three more weeks, and its going to be a new environment again.
" Your success depends more on how you adapt to things that you are not tuned to do. "
-By Ankit Joshi
I've always ended up doing things that were the last on my options list, be it education, selecting colleges, professionally, and I know there are thousands like me trying to find happiness in what they don't like to do.
{ 9:48 AM
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
i just feel like blogging.
{ 11:48 PM
i am so glad, i feel like we are back in the honey-moon mood now. after those multiple quarrels, i thought it would be over between both of us.
they say change is constant, then why is it not happening for me?again, i pray that i can go back to the past.
" Negative thoughts are the weak link; a shift in your awareness and thinking positive will change your day."
-Mike T.
{ 12:37 PM
Monday, July 23, 2007
salsa is really fun. BUT, freak, my feet really hurts.
having this performance in October, and we are like practicing the steps already.
whats frustrating is that those who don't come won't know the steps, the teacher teaches new steps every lesson. and when some one doesn't know the steps, she will make everybody dance again and again till that student get it.
went town yesterday, Ngee Ann City.
Hoyin is leaving for Hong Kong this sunday, he treated everyone to Coca, this steam boat restaurant.
the food was not bad, but my stomach was aching after that.
no worries, my stomach have been aching really frequently for the last few days or weeks.
went to this bar/cafe called Outdoors. its in between Centerpoint and Orchard Emerald.
ate 9 Deadly Sins - 9 scoops of Ben & Jerry!
needless to say, my stomach hurt again.
math & computing test tomorrow, pray for me ok.
{ 9:11 PM
Saturday, July 21, 2007
ok, i have been having really irregular meals nowadays.
i couldn't even finish my dinner yesterday,
and the last time i ate was at 1030am?
God bless me.
all my tops are tanks. its gonna show my tummy. ):
{ 1:12 PM
Friday, July 20, 2007
My wishlist.
Hur, left school during the second break to go shopping with Jerry!
i think we practically went around the whole town,
and i bought a top from Junk Food. Rolling Stones.
ok, i really want a lot things now.
mostly from Far East Plaza.
any blessings or advanced birthday present is welcome! (:
-Shoes from Trendy zone/Anna Nucci ($23.90 or $25.90)
-Blackish-grey jeans from New Future ($39.90)
-Rose printed bag ($49.90)
-Ed Hardy dress
People ask, 'why is yichun not as bubbly already'
because some one let the bubbles burst everyday and no one blow it back.
" When God said let there be light, it wasn't just for the darkness to disappear but so the beauty of his creation could be seen.-Adam Roy dela Calzada
{ 9:32 AM
Thursday, July 19, 2007
my life.
i have a confession.
i have no aim in life, i don't know the purpose of it.
my mind is constantly moving, thinking of everything and all things about life.
how to change, how things should be done.
yet, it is never productive. it hardly ever answers the questions of my heart.
" The whole course of things goes to teach us faith. We need only obey. There is guidance for each of us, and by lowly listening, we shall hear the right word.-Ralph Waldo Emerson
{ 10:50 AM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

{ 11:35 AM
Sunday, July 15, 2007

went for my cousin's wedding dinner on sat, before that, my sis was at Swisshotel in Raffles City shopping center, i went to meet her. 61 floor. there was this ndp thing. so we saw the firework. pretty pretty.
I had a good day today.
went town early in the morning, baby bought me an Ed Hardy shirt for my early birthday present!
Ha, i finally have one!! now, i am gonna aim for an Ed Hardy dress.
went over to Tanah Merah for my salsa shoes after that, the glitter on it is annoying me. seriously, you should see every one's face and body and their clothing. all scattered with glitter.
every one had to get the silver one, oh well, the black ones are a lot nicer.
i want a part time job, any lo baang?
i want to grow up, i want to be less fussy about things, i want to make wise decisions fast.
but how?
NOTE to W16R: okok, i will up load the photos soon ok.
" We believe in God when he helps to solve our difficulties. But when he doesn't, he may be believing in you."
- Rahul. V.V
{ 10:15 PM
Thursday, July 12, 2007

i hate Maths and Computing!!!
i mean, just giving us the programme it self and problem, and we are suppose to solve it?
like howwwwww?
today's problem just suck, its the worse among all the lessons we had.
i want to shop shop shop.
but no money money money.
went Thai Express with Jerry today.
then went walking around window shopping.
its nice, just walking around together (:
but i hate it when you start feeling that tiredness and aching limps.
yay! me and nicholas are gonna eat Herbal Egg tomorrow! thanks to my cravings!!
" Sometimes it takes walking through a valley to find the strength for climbing a mountain."
-Nova Scotia
{ 11:30 PM
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

sleepy sleepy,
i am feeling so drained after school.
i love W16R. i love my classmates. i don't want to change.
6 more weeks.
jerry's going army.
2 more months.
Lord, let me go back to the past. so i can change the everything for the better.
" In the presence of adversity, there are those that use crutches, and others who grow wings."
- By Renee Engdahl
*We all face obstacles, but it is how we deal with them that tells us who we really are.
{ 7:52 PM
Saturday, July 07, 2007
another friday. metawheromagic.

yay, the day is soon over!!
i get stress over fridays, it's just so packed.
bc said he would be late because of his work and ask me to stop at serangoon instead of kovan and he would pick me up.
and wth, there are so many bus stops la!!
feeling super agitated already because of the weight of the laptop and my piano books inside the bag, i randomly chose this bus stop that was close to his "description".
and i waited from 740 till 810. good patience huh.
ok, so it was the wrong bus stop.
why cant they just change the bloody location, it is just so freaking inaccessible.
so what if he has a car, doesn't mean we should depend on it forever right.
i raise the matter up twice already, but he say just have to bear with it.
quite true any way, because all other cellgroups are like another zone or on another day.
any way, i was on my way back after cell from outram.
feeling really grumpy, this stupid JC guy.
i swear, they are like smart yet stupid.
he is like so bloody smelly. when he raised his hand.
HO! i wanted to die can.
his hand was like straight up, holding the pole.
so strong la, i bet there's something wrong with his nose.
" The world doesn't care for what you think inside, only for what you present outside."
-Sripriya Venugopal
{ 1:56 AM
Thursday, July 05, 2007

i let that side of me out today.
a side where i've been trying to bury, to get rid.
a side where it caused me so many regrets in my life.
yichun, grow up please, yichun.
you are nearing 18 years old and becoming a lady,
and you actually "wrestle" with your classmates.
don't you know whats unglam, don't you know what is decency?
please learn some self-control, learn to have some decency, to be more demure, to be less open, learn to be yourself.
you know you hate it and you still do it.
quit being so contradicting that sometimes you don't even seem to know yourself.
i want to change, i really do.
learn to crucify that old wine skin.
any way, you HAVE to watch Transformers.
it's a reallllllyyyyy good movie,
as far as i could remember, it could be one of the best movies i watched.
" Just because it's hard doesn't mean you have to quit."
- Sara L. --- Michigan
{ 7:03 PM
Sunday, July 01, 2007
try it
ok, i feel like i am spamming my own blog.
but try this! got it from TAN SUAT LING.
Get the code at www.winterrowd.com:)
{ 5:22 PM

HAHA, i hope he doesn't read my blog.
{ 5:11 PM

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
If my cg is just a name which is of no worth, now, even the value of the substance in it is ineffectual.
he was late, and asked me to sit with jerry's cell group.
ok, i thought he was the one who commanded us to come by 4pm, if not..
and i already knew he was going to be late, but i just thought i should have this hope that he would come early for once.
shall not say too much.
" There is no such thing as a simple act of kindness. For, contained within its expression is all the hope, life, magic and majesty and everything I could ever hope a God could be."
-John Giroux
" Do you want to move forward? Acknowledge where you are at the present time. Feel the fear, feel the discomfort of leaving your comfort zone, and embrace the change anyway! New experiences and people are waiting to greet you! The rewards will be great and you will be an inspiration to others."
-Michelle W. Seamons
{ 2:52 AM
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