Monday, April 23, 2007

my sis, jerry and i.

My family and i.
Heh, though you didnt make it to the top 10, but its ok. over is over and you have made it so far already. we are proud of you. (:
{ 9:56 PM
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
weeee, i love my classmates! they are so sweet, not forgetting noisy. oh God, they make the dreadful things so enjoyable. (: sort of remind me of st margs, where people still farts and burps openly. i miss you dearies! heh.
still, i hate presentations. stupid stage fright, i just cant shake it off ever since during secondary school. oh God, help me.
just went west mall yesterday to borrow two books, one from my favourite author Sidney Sheldon, and another i reckon is rather good, Nicholas Sparks. yay, can't wait to read. random i know.
You have to read
The Time Traveler's Wife. you just have to.
Why is love intensified by absence?The stars shine downAnd watch us liveOur little livesAnd weep for us-Monet Nodlehs
{ 11:29 PM
Monday, April 16, 2007
first day of class!
shi t, oh my, it is super stressful.
first, they show you the product, give you a few guideline. and there, go figure out yourself. after attending this class, i feel like a complete IT idiot.
we worked with something called Visual Studio. the product is named Simple box. in the box there is this other textbox called label and buttons at the bottom. for example, the function of the button could be changing the textbox red. so when you click on the button, the textbox will turn red.
So, you are suppose to create the different functions of the buttons ALL BY YOURSELF. so you are suppose to be a genius to create a code like - Label1.Backcolor = Color.Red. yes, there is guideline, but what the hell! the guideline is [object].[property]. so helpful right. we didnt know how to do until the faci showed us. and you are suppose to know how to change the direction to northeast, northwest etc. shrinking and expanding the box. wow, so easy what. it killed all my brain cells la.
weee, other then that, the school is good. well, so far.
{ 9:44 PM
Saturday, April 14, 2007
second day.
oh my goodness, i feel darn cheated. the first program was this cheer thing. and he stand with his arms folded and mouth shut the whole time. the host was like "i see some one just standing there with his arms folded and not opening his mouth, can i invite that gentleman up to the stage?" then i was like super stunned, its so embarrassing for him la.
the host -"is there any thing wrong with you , Chronos? everybody is like cheering, why didnt you?"
Chronos- "not enough sleep"
the host-"since every one is doing something, and you didnt. why not you do something for everyone?"
Chronos-"ok, dance?"
the host-" do you want to tell us what song you would like to dance to? so i can ask the dj to play it for you?"
Chronos-"are you sure you will have the song i want?"
the host-"i am quite sure since we have quite a number to songs"
Chronos-"since yesterday J.Lopez appear in american adol, why not lets get loud?"
and so, he started dancing. what the hell right.
the host-"since you are so entertaining, why not i hand over the rest of the program for today to you? do you think you can do it?"
Chronos-"yes, definitely"
they planted a FACI in one of the team la, and sway sway, i SWEAR i am damn sway, i am in the same team as him and he's just seated right behind me! when they asked us to introduce ourself to at least 3 person, he was the FIRST one i introduced myself to.
so when everybody realised he was the faci, a plot,
Chronos-" i am actually a facilitator here, i am sorry that i lied to the people, i am not 20 years old."
because i asked him how old he was! i hope he's not going be my faci! he teaches my course. how sway can i get.
{ 1:43 PM
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
first day.
my first day in RP today!
ok, still getting use to the environment in RP.
i feel SO awkward.
the people are fine, not that nerdy or cheena. damn friendly though.
i think the best thing is the teachers what they called faci. (facililators)they are like so happening type of people. and its quite slack, cause of the system i guess. school starts at 830am and ends at 4pm the latest.
here comes the bad thing, its so high tech that it really irritates. everything you do is on the computer. the quiz, the reflection journal, the assignment. you even need to log in with your password every time you want to check in and when logging out, you need to close the whole window. how troublesome right?
any way, oh well, just have to get use to it. first day is weird, but maybe not that bad. we will see.
{ 3:12 PM
Saturday, April 07, 2007
its like 6.23am now. i was just about to fall asleep at 4am, and i received a call. wow, my sister is drunk. went down, her friend and i was trying to coax her to go home. not a good sight, really. and i am like staying up, because she ask me to go away. and am now waiting to open the door for my ms sister to come in. WAKE UP PLEASE, people want to sleep one you know. i am like writing this out of boredom, so if you my big sister see this, dont get pissed.
ook..i woke my brother up just to bring her back. but wow, she dont want to get out of the lift. i am damn sleepyy now. so much of sleeping for the next day.
OH YAY! she's back. good morning.
{ 6:22 AM
Friday, April 06, 2007
just let me talk it all out.
i need to know more friends. to spice up my life. not saying that jerry is not enough, its just life. you do need to have a good love life and a good social life right? but my social life is just empty. germaine and all are more extroverted, i am sure they do not have much problem in knowing new friends. its just going to be weird to suddenly pop out again since they have all moved on with their life, knowing new people etc. randomly, in my life, i feel like i have been staying in a cage and not knowing how to break out of it.
i always have similar dreams. one of them is whenever i try to fight back, i would feel so helpless, so weak that i cant even lift my hand to just push the person, making the person seem strong. you know that kind of so helpless feeling, you so want to but just cant do it? then today it just came like a revelation to me that its because i always think that the thing opposing my will is too strong for me. i dont know what to think for the revelation, i dont know how it came about, it just hit me.
i dont think any one who read this will know what i am talking about, nobody actually knows what i am saying most of the time. do i speak alien? damn, i am talking nonsensical things again. sometimes i just dont understand what i am saying either, or why i say it. i hate myself for saying things sometimes and just dont know how to explain it to the person the reason for saying it. i do things that goes against my will ,i do things i dont know why i do it. i do things that makes my life more complicated. i cant be the person i want to be but i cant be the person that i dont want to be either. i am always in a dilemma. i gave up my passion and now i can never turn back. i live my life with regrets, so many things that tested my endurance. and i admit i portraited myself in different faces in front of different people. i dont know how to make choices in my life. the best thing in life, is that you can make a choice, but i dont know how to do it, i cant bring myself to be the choice i make. ironic i know.
{ 11:13 PM
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